Osobní návštěvy našeho showroomu v Loděnicích
Klientům bez domluvené schůzky je obchodní oddělení k dispozici ve dnech – pondělí, úterý, čtvrtek a pátek od 8.00 do 14.00 hod, děkujeme. Těšíme se na vás.

Above-standard customer services

Company Profile

JEŽ Promo video

Exclusive Showroom

The Jež – kamenické práce, spol s r.o. company has been active on the market since 1991. It carries out stonemasonry work from design, through production, to installation, not only in the Czech Republic but also worldwide.

The company has invested into modernisation of existing operations and also into a new Jež Stone Gallery, with an extensive range of marble, granite, travertine and onyx slabs of enormous dimensions.

Our above-standard services include an extremely modern Client Centre. Clients have the most modern audio-video technology available for presentation of projects, their visualisation and also for contact between the architect, client or family through video-conferencing, as well as refreshments in the style of Tower Park Prague, in luxurious surroundings. We also offer clients transport by luxury limousine.

This is a level of presentation of stone, technologies and customer care not seen before in the Czech Republic, or even in Europe, which competitors will find difficult to achieve.

The company also naturally takes care of clients whose work has been completed. After the warranty period has elapsed, the company contacts the client and offers an inspection of the condition of the work free of charge.

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