Osobní návštěvy našeho showroomu v Loděnicích
Klientům bez domluvené schůzky je obchodní oddělení k dispozici ve dnech – pondělí, úterý, čtvrtek a pátek od 8.00 do 14.00 hod, děkujeme. Těšíme se na vás.

Perfection in details

Company services


Stone products

We offer above-standard customer services. We take great pains to assure our customers’ satisfaction and consider it crucial.

We will advise on selection of a suitable material. We are experts in our field and you can place your trust in our words and the number of our satisfied customers.

We are capable of measuring and proposing anchoring systems , executing manufacturing documentation, including templates .

We ensure all activities from manufacture to installation, as well as sealing, anti-graffiti coatings, refitting and cleaning of stone.

Our services also naturally include restoration work.

  • Interior and exterior floor tiles
  • Interior wall tiles
  • Kitchen and bathroom surfaces
  • Parapets
  • Steps tiled in stone or made from solid stone
  • Ventilated facades, walls
  • Solid stone elements: shower baths, hearth cladding
  • Various types of edges
  • Unusual elements according to the customer’s wishes
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