Osobní návštěvy našeho showroomu v Loděnicích
Klientům bez domluvené schůzky je obchodní oddělení k dispozici ve dnech – pondělí, úterý, čtvrtek a pátek od 8.00 do 14.00 hod, děkujeme. Těšíme se na vás.

Performance Jež Stone Gallery

Our absolutely exclusive Jež Stone Gallery will captivate every visitor!

Visitors can see marble, granite, travertine and onyx slabs of enormous dimensions at the newly opened Jež Stone Gallery. These have been transported to Loděnice u Berouna from all over the world and, thanks to their large dimensions, you can admire their natural patterns and even fossil imprints. The gallery is intended for clients and architects as a showroom, where they can see and touch every detail of these unique pieces.

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